Mark Zides

Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting is a philosophy about doing the bare minimum at your job. It’s a change in mindset; a change in engagement. In fact, it’s basic definition goes against my #PACE process, however I understand why it is happening. There are misconceptions about it – that it shows laziness – but the truth is you start to quiet quit, or engage less when you realize there’s an inability to thrive in the role you’re in or in the organization you work. You start to quiet quit as a result of not setting boundaries from the beginning and getting sucked into the “hustle culture”. You start to quiet quit when you realize there’s a lack of work-life balance

Companies are trying to pin this “revolution” on Gen-Z, however it can also be seen as something that has been a long time coming. A lot of companies do not care to focus on the employee experience, bosses and department heads do not communicate or direct employees towards their ultimate purpose (there’s nothing worse than having a job and not knowing why you do what you do as a result of failed leadership), and companies do not invest enough in management and leadership effectiveness. Additionally, many employees struggle with a lack of work flexibility, they feel as though they are not heard or understood, employees feel disconnected, and they feel as though the companies that they work tirelessly for do not care about their wellbeing.

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