Career Coaching

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

We live in a world where everything is available digitally. If you’re hungry, you go on your food ordering app (UberEats, Seamless, GrubHub, Instacart, etc.) and order food for delivery or pick up. If you need something from the store, you order it online and it shows up within a couple of days – sometimes even that day. If you’re looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, you go on dating apps and swipe left or right. The same goes for looking for a (new) career. If you’re looking for a new job, you go on LinkedIn and search for jobs that fit your interests and skill sets. Some of these jobs can be applied to with one click.

On the flip side, when a company is looking to hire someone, they will use LinkedIn to see who you are and what you can do. That is why it is so important to have a solid LinkedIn profile that fully represents your professional life with certain aspects of your personal life trickled in. 

So, what makes a solid LinkedIn profile?

Professional headshot

One of the most important characteristics of a solid LinkedIn profile is having visual appeal and accuracy. This means that you should have a profile picture that is professional with an appropriate background. Your profile picture is the first thing that people see when they access your profile, so make sure it looks appropriate. Remember, this is a professional networking site, so what you post on here should be different from other social media accounts you might have. 


Your LinkedIn profile should utilize many of the multiple sections that are available and have consistent formatting throughout. While there is no right or wrong way to set up your profile, what you do not want is for it to look sloppy, inconsistent, and all over the place. 

After your profile picture, another important feature is the About section. Your About section, or summary should be something that is authentic and unique to you. It is something you should take some time to think about rather than writing something at the advice of a blog post. 

For example, if you’re majoring in business with a concentration on sports marketing, a short and clean summary would be Experienced in event management and customer service related roles. Passionate about sport and making an impact on others


Some people might argue your summary should be longer, but it’s what works best for you and the market you are targeting. 

Another example, for a professional writer who mainly focuses in the healthcare and financial field would be Writing professional with extensive experience working in the technology, healthcare, and learning and development industries, designing and implementing knowledge-based strategies. Technical writer with the ability to communicate with customers of all levels while providing user-friendly outcomes.

As long as your About section summarizes who you are, very similar to an Objective section of a resume, you should be golden. 


Another relevant part of this introduction section is your headline. The headline should include your current role and relevant keywords to your industry in order to optimize SEO. This way, you increase your chances of your profile being seen when people search those keywords. 

If you’re targeting an accounting job, make sure your headline says you are an accountant or in school to get your degree in accounting. If you’re looking to work in sales, make sure you include this. The easier it is to access information from the top of your profile, the easier it is for recruiters to consume your professional history and capabilities. 

Experience and Education 

Once you have a solid introduction setting, you can move onto the Experience and Education sections. My advice is to take the time to add a lot of detail to your experience, but at the same time not overwhelm the reader. Many people seem to make the mistake of regurgitating their resume onto their LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn should serve as a complement to your resume; the same language and data should be used. However, with your resume, you are trying to condense as much information as possible into one or two pages. With LinkedIn, you have the luxury to expand on your experiences and add things that did not make the cut for your resume. You can almost consider it an electronic CV. 

Of course, make sure to include all the relevant details like dates and titles of the positions you’ve held; you should avoid using contractions and abbreviations. Hiring managers love to see statistics; so, if you know the number of sales you made, the number of subscribers you generated, the amount of money closed in total on contracts, the number of staff or customers supported, etc. include it.  The format of how you describe your experience can be any way you’d like, so you could use bullet points or full sentences. 

First person writing is acceptable here if that is consistent with your format. One thing I like to do when describing my experience is to open with a sentence or two about the organization, which gives some credibility and context to your role. 

Do not overlook the education section either. Make sure to have your degree(s) listed with relevant dates. Include the clubs you were associated with and any awards received during your collegiate experience. 


After finishing up your Education and Experience sections, a highlight on your profile examples of your work. LinkedIn has the Featured section where you can showcase a project you have worked on in the past that demonstrates your competencies. What you decide to use in the Featured section really depends on your industry, but it should be a piece of work that you feel proud of and that speaks to your personal brand. 

At minimum, you should consider having your resume on there, so it is easily downloadable for recruiters to share with hiring managers.


On top of the Featured section, consider adding other examples of your work under the Projects section. That recently completed presentation, speech, or website you designed looks really good here. Make sure you describe the context behind the project and add a link or visual for people to view your work.

Other sections

There are plenty of other sections that you can utilize to help set you apart from other profiles. Volunteering is a good example of a section you can use to showcase your involvement within your community and highlight your strengths. 

Licenses and Certifications is another way you can spice up your profile, whether that is a CPR certification, a PMP certification, a SixSigma or an online certification, or others. Do not be hesitant to add in a couple things to enhance your brand. This should mostly serve as a complement to your Experience section, so no need to go overboard, but it is a nice little touch to have some things filled out here.

Skills and Recommendations are other examples of sections you can utilize to put the finishing touches on your profile. Having other people endorse some of your skills enhances your credibility and puts the rest of your profile together nicely. Hopefully, you have at least one person in mind you can think of to give you a recommendation. This is yet another way to set yourself apart and give yourself some credibility because other people are advocating on your behalf. Take advantage of these features to give your profile an edge over your peers. 

You should also consider giving some recommendations as well, but they should be genuine and not given out as a favor.

Lastly, Organizations and Interests are sections that help you sprinkle on your profile what kind of a person you are outside of your career. For example, if you are passionate about animal rights, consider adding the animal rights activism groups you are a member of  to your Interests and Organization sections. This could serve as a great talking point and an icebreaker with other potential connections.

While there is no right or wrong way to create your LinkedIn profile, these are some basic principles you should follow to make it stand out. As long as it looks visually appealing, accurate, and consistent, your profile should serve as your own canvas to showcase who you are as a person. 

Career Coaching Motivation

The Importance of Using Your PTO

According to the US Travel Association, the average person does not use 4.6 of their available paid time off (PTO) days in 2021. This statistic has decreased – in 2020, the average was 5.6 unused PTO days per person – but still yields over six billion unused vacation days per year. This poses the question, why is it so important to take your PTO if we as a society leave that many days on the table? 


Benefits of taking PTO

The benefits of taking your PTO go beyond balancing a schedule and an employee’s time for bookkeeping purposes – it is good for your health, wealth, and stability. Some of the top benefits to taking your PTO are: 

  • Work/life balance. When your life is balanced, you are more productive, have more boundaries with what you’re willing to take on, and can keep working on at work. Maintaining a healthy work/life balance allows you to foster more relationships, work on your personal growth, and take that spa day you so desperately need. Balance means less stress and a fulfilling life. 
  • Higher morale. When you have balance, use your time, and enjoy it, you are more likely to come to work with higher levels of engagement and passion. By taking time off, you can eliminate stress in your personal life, so you don’t bring it to work, and vice versa. 
  • Increased autonomy. When you take your PTO, you have more control over what you do. Use the PTO as a boundary to completely step away, regain your personal space, and breathe. Work will always be there when you get back. 
  • Avoid burnout. There’s nothing worse than working yourself to death – literally and figuratively. WHen you feel the burnout coming on – energy depletion, exhaustion, negativity, and cynicism – it’s a sign you need to step away from work. That is what PTO is there for – so use it. 
  • Maintain your value. When you do not use your PTO, you are basically throwing money in the trash can. Though it is not directly tied to your paycheck and other benefits, PTO is infact a benefit you work hard for. If you set aside $500 in your FSA for the year, would you not spend it by the December 31st deadline? You would, so why not take the same approach with your PTO. 
  • Live healthier. Time away from work can help decrease health issues that may arise from stress alone (hypertension, depression, anxiety, heart disease, inflammation, etc.). 

You do not need to take a week every time you take PTO, but a day here and there can recharge the battery and get you back on your feet. 

Encourage your employees to use their PTO 

The culture of your organization starts with each and every manager, which is why it’s so important to encourage your employees to use their paid time off. Here are some ideas on how to do so: 

  • On a quarterly basis, communicate the company’s PTO policy to your team. Tell them how many days/hours they can carry over into the next year. 
  • Review the days used for each team member. If you are seeing employees who have not taken time recently or will have an overage (will lose the time) going into the next year, take note and discuss with them the benefits of taking PTO. 
  • Take your own PTO. Rather than do as I say, not as I do, take your time, disconnect during that time (keep lines of communication open, as there could be an emergency situation), and come back to work decompressed. 
  • Discuss PTO during team meetings. Transparency is key, and if you make PTO a topic that can be discussed, employees may remove the taboo label they may have associated with taking time off. 
  • Share any useful and relevant articles and videos that express the value and importance of taking PTO. 
  • When employees do use their time, bring a positive attitude and mindset to it. If your employees know it’s okay to use their time, even with an acknowledgement of it, they will more than likely be open to using more of it. 

Leaving vacation days on the table is not a way to maintain a positive work/life balance. Use and appreciate your time – you’ve earned it!


Career Coaching

Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting is a philosophy about doing the bare minimum at your job. It’s a change in mindset; a change in engagement. In fact, it’s basic definition goes against my #PACE process, however I understand why it is happening. There are misconceptions about it – that it shows laziness – but the truth is you start to quiet quit, or engage less when you realize there’s an inability to thrive in the role you’re in or in the organization you work. You start to quiet quit as a result of not setting boundaries from the beginning and getting sucked into the “hustle culture”. You start to quiet quit when you realize there’s a lack of work-life balance

Companies are trying to pin this “revolution” on Gen-Z, however it can also be seen as something that has been a long time coming. A lot of companies do not care to focus on the employee experience, bosses and department heads do not communicate or direct employees towards their ultimate purpose (there’s nothing worse than having a job and not knowing why you do what you do as a result of failed leadership), and companies do not invest enough in management and leadership effectiveness. Additionally, many employees struggle with a lack of work flexibility, they feel as though they are not heard or understood, employees feel disconnected, and they feel as though the companies that they work tirelessly for do not care about their wellbeing.

I could very easily sit here and tell you all to “suck it up and deal,” but it’s not going away. Quiet quitting is something we are seeing everywhere. Also, being surrounded by peers who are quiet quitting can be contagious.

What can I do rather than quiet quit?

If you find yourself considering quiet quitting, consider taking the following actions to ensure your decision is the best one for your career: 

  • Talk to your manager about where you stand with your current role. Let them know what your challenges are. Remember, you may need to be delicate regarding leadership ineffectiveness.  Be honest and open, but mindful of your manager’s authority.
  • If you do not feel like you can talk to your manager, or leadership, contact Human Resources. They can take the time to research what is going on within the company or department, and work with leadership to improve employee engagement. 
  • Figure out where you want to grow within the company and let leadership know. If you show leadership you are advocating about your future and are invested in the company, they may be able to pivot and help you grow to where you want to be. 
  • Talk to your career coach/mentor. They may be able to provide insight into your career that you’re unable to see because you’re so “in it”. 
  • Research your company’s benefits. Are you considering quiet quitting because you’re feeling burned out? Use your PTO


If quiet quitting is your next move…

Start your job search. Do not stay stagnant in your current role for too long. Look for new roles while you are at your current position to set yourself up for a smooth transition.  Remember the #PACE process: Prepare, Apply, Commit, and Evaluate, when it comes to your approach. 

Get your resume and cover letter perfect, optimize your LinkedIn profile, apply to the jobs you are passionate about, amp up your networking, practice your interviewing, and follow up after interviews. You can land the job of your dreams as long as you commit to it!


To be clear, quiet quitting is not burnout. Burnout is the psychological reaction to unmanaged or unmanageable workplace stress. Burnout is an involuntary response – whereas quiet quitting is voluntary. You can look at quiet quitting as a way to prevent burnout, as it’s taking proactive measures to create a healthy mental distance between yourself, your work, and toxic leadership and colleagues. 

Make sure you take a smart approach to your career. Quiet quitting should not be a long-term solution to your career problems. Find a role or company you are passionate about.